Starting up: A general overview of our companies overall directive that incorporates the need for efficiency before installing any kind of power generation. Basically outline our philosophy and passion to change the world.

Changing the environment: Outline global warming and environmental impact from fossil fuels and co2 emissions. How each person can make a world of difference by reducing footprint with efficiency and renewable energy.

Why now?

Timing is everything in life and technology has brought greater efficiency and a temporary 30% gov subsidies has created the crossroads of opportunity for homeowners.

Increase home equity: By having a home with no electric bill adds a significant increase to your homes value. You will stop only renting electric from the power companies but now begin to start paying yourself. Consider a $100k mortgage at todays 4% interest rate which would cost you around $400 per month and say your electric bill cost $200 per month well this represents around $40k increase in your homes value. An avg power elimination system cost around $25k and after you take 30% off in fed tax credits and deduct state and power company subsidies you are left with a system cost of only $15k. the numbers are clear. You also hedge inflation from the rising cost of gas prices by locking in now.

Call center support:

Quality products/ timely delivery:

Marketing management:

In house training:

Online sales marketing academy:

Online sales marketing academy: Generational Energy pride itself in helping retailers get the best out there staff in order to increase sales and profit. The greatest way to do this is by empowering employees with the knowledge they need. We also are aware that time is a factor so we have created a sales marketing academy that can be accessed online where employees can log in whenever they have time.


Installation videos and instruction as well as on-site training for each category: Due to government regulations and state laws it is essential to know how to install each product correctly so as to not be liable. This goes without saying but Generational Energy is a company that stands behind its customers and for this reason we have done a whole series of videos that will teach you how to correctly install each of our products. Apart from just the videos we are so committed to our customers that we also offer on-site training for each category of our product line.


A solution with service for the energy crisis: The energy crisis is a very real thing and every year electricity bills keep on rising, the cost of fuel goes up and the general public are waking up and looking for alternatives. As more and more people seek ways to reduce their dependency on electric companies quality energy saving products are just going to increase in demand. Generational Energy have the solution and back it up with exceptional service no matter what area of your business you need help with.

Generational Energy are not just a manufacturing company but are passionate about making a real change in a world that desperately needs help. Although obviously we need to make a profit to continue providing the highest quality products that is not our main objective. The sales, marketing and on-site training, just to mention a few, that GE offer will not only help in marketing, selling and installing Generational Energy products but will be a benefit for your entire operation, no matter what else you sell. Just from these few it is obvious that Generational Energy place their customers where all great companies place theirs, at the top of the list.