International Spotlight!

Saving on products and delivery can cost you.


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Were availible!

Sam Kromstain


Eva Savits


Mark Johnson

Dealer Development

Anete Puga

Customer Service

Tom James


Gloria Mann


Patrick Pool

Sales trainer

Laura Stegner

Pro Trainer

Energy Sector

The training was fun and educational”

Sam Kromstain

Learing was never easier. I feel as if my entire staff is much sharper.. ”

Patrick Pool

Why choose us?

The solution

After years of design, engineering, and lab testing Generational Energy is pleased to announce the development of the "INTELLI™" brand energy saving product line.

Our products are designed to make homes more efficient and reduce energy consumption by up to 50% or even more! Now with Generational Energys PLUG and SAVE™ solar panel system home owners will only need to generate half the power to eliminate power companies’ electric bill. Generational Energy manufactures products that will help people to stop "renting" their electric each month. Our mission is to remove the burden of owing a monthly electric bill while adding equity to a home’s value and family’s financial security. Renting your electric is simply a bad investment and a bill people can all live more